Mortal Coil

Trenton McKean

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As an evolving artist I wanted to do something different. Something unique and creative to my writing style and process. This album was written for me. It's been my journey of self healing, self-motivation, self coping, self growth, self improvement, self worth and self empowerment. It's definitely all over the place, but that was the intention.

As an evolving artist I wanted to do something different. Something unique and creative to my writing style and process. This album was written for me. It's been my journey of self healing, self-motivation, self coping, self growth, self improvement, self worth and self empowerment. It's definitely all over the place, but that was the intention. In my own world this was the best way for me to organize and express all of the chaos going on in my head. While still allowing me to become something else for a brief moment. I hope you enjoy it as much as I had performing and writing it.

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